"Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream" Amos 5:24
Fairtrade Fortnight 2021: Choose the World You Want Webinar On 5th March, to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight we held a brilliant webinar, connecting an live audience from around the world with farmers in Kent and Kenya. We were grateful to the Mayor of Tunbridge Wells, Councillor Joy Podbury, for introducing our three excellent speakers, in what turned out to be a fascinating discussion. Adam Gardner from the Fairtrade Foundation spoke about how Fairtrade farmers are supported to become resilient to the changes in the climate, through fair prices, technical advice, partner supported programmes and environmentally friendly Fairtrade standards. Local farmer, Harry Frederick , discussed climate change in the UK, and how he has adjusted his farming regime to be more planet-friendly as a result, and tea planter Patrick Kabera Mathaura joined us from Kenya to explain how Fairtrade was helping him to modify his farming methods and alter the management of his crucial water resources in the face of increasingly erratic weather patterns.
Fairtrade Fortnight 2021: Congratulations to the winners of our #INSTAGRAM COMPETITION!! We asked keen Tunbridge Wells photographers to PICTURE THE WORLD YOU WANT during Fairtrade Fortnight. They produced some excellent and imaginative entries, and these are the ones that we thought were the very best:
1st Prize Nadia Carney
2nd Prize Justyna Wiecko
3rd Prize Caroline Auckland
1st Prize – Fairtrade Hamper from the Co-Op 2ndPrize - £50 Voucher to be used in a local shop 3rd Prize – A fantastic Fairtrade Easter Egg from Temper Temper