"Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream" Amos 5:24
Fairtrade Fortnight 2019 - #She Deserves … The 2019 event addressed the condition of cocoa growers, and especially women farmers, who often suffer even greater exploitation than their male counterparts. Directing more independent income into the hands of women accelerates the development of the whole community, so the #She Deserves campaign highlighted the importance of supporting the woman farmer: she deserves a living income, a roof over her head, a doctor, a day off, and many other things that we take for granted.
To raise awareness in Tunbridge Wells, we set up a stall in the famous Pantiles, providing hot drinks - it was a very cold day - and selling a range of Fairtrade goodies with a particular emphasis on chocolate and other cocoa-based products. We had just renewed our Fairtrade Town status, so we took the opportunity to present our certificate to the mayor, Len Horwood.
Christmas competition To celebrate 25 years of Fairtrade we teamed up with Local magazine and the Co-op in Silverdale Road for a Christmas Fairtrade Competition. The challenge was a wordsearch, and the prize was a Fairtrade Christmas hamper, generously donated by the Co-op. Lizzie Goodwin, editor of Local magazine, Jack Mallion, the colourfully dressed Co- op branch manager, and our own Mandy Flashman-Wells present the hamper to the lucky winner, Lisa-Marie and her sons Jasper and George.