"Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream" Amos 5:24
© Tunbridge Wells Fairtrade Town Group 2024 Website last updated 10th May 2024
WHY NOT GET INVOLVED WITH FAIRTRADE? Teacher? get your class or your school involved - there are plenty of resources which can help to make learning fun and informative. Faith Group? Get your faith or community group to commit to Fairtrade. Take your commitment into the workplace and get your colleagues and employers involved. We need a Fairtrade Flagship Employer for the Borough. Restaurants, cafes, hotels, pubs why not support the town’s commitment to Fairtrade? Contact us for more information and get included on this website. If you are at home working to bring up your family, tell your friends. Better still, invite them round for a cup of Fairtrade tea or coffee, served with cakes made with Fairtrade ingredients! Together we can make a difference to the world. For anyone who would like to know more or get involved in the Fairtrade Town campaign, please contact us . We are always pleased to welcome new people.
World Fairtrade Day 11 th May To mark World Fairtrade Day, we presented the Fairtrade Town renewal certificate to the Leader of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, Ben Chapelard and Councillor Justine Rutland, Cllr for Economic Development, with Mandy Flashman Wells and Tor Bennett, from the Tunbridge Wells Fairtrade Town Group. We have lots of activities afoot building up to Fairtrade Fortnight (9 th 22 nd September) including planting a mini forest, celebrating and raising awareness of farmers, growers, workers and the CLIMATE crisis across the globe. We’ll also be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the formation of the FAIRTRADE Mark.
Fairtrade Celebrates 30 Years In The UK This year the Fairtrade Foundation is celebrating 30 years of Fairtrade in the UK and as a consequence has decided to move Fairtrade Fortnight from February to 9 th 22 nd of September. This is the time of year when we celebrate all the good things that the Fairtrade Movement has done to improve the lives of poorer farmers and producers across the world. The Fairtrade movement began as an idea of ‘trade not aid’ and it is just that. A recognition that hard work deserves a fair price, so that farmers can afford to look after their families and continue to keep farming. Farmers have an important role to play in protecting the environment and Fairtrade farmers are no exception. They have to take key steps to protect and improve the environment and look after their forests. This year the Fairtrade Town Group is working with the Parks Team to plant a mini forest in solidarity with the farmers, and hopes that businesses and schools will get involved in this exciting project in September.